Year 11 Modern History

Embarking on Year 11 Modern History

As the timeline extends into Year 11 Modern History, students are poised at the cusp of unfolding modernity, ready to traverse the epochal waves that have sculpted the contours of present-day civilization. The unit gravitates around pivotal developments that have demarcated the modern world, exploring the ideas that both ignited and emanated from these transformative phases. At Tutor Wombat, we orchestrate a nurturing milieu for students to journey through the annals of modern history, unearthing the causality and resonance of momentous events. Our adept tutoring aligns seamlessly with the Australian Curriculum, forming a scaffold through the dynamic interplay of reason, revolution, and repercussions that define modern history.

Understanding the Modern World

  • Objective: Explore significant developments in the modern era, their inspiring ideas, and far-reaching consequences.
  • Topics: Topics including the Enlightenment, American Revolution, French Revolution, Industrial Revolutions, and the Age of Imperialism.
  • Historical Skills: Acquire skills in chronology, research, source analysis, and historical interpretation.
  • Learning Outcomes: Understanding key developments defining the modern world, their causes, effects, and the ideas they stemmed from or brought forth.

Movements for Change in the 20th Century

  • Objective: Investigate significant 20th-century movements that led to societal changes and were tied to democratic political systems.
  • Topics: Movements including Women’s movements, Recognition and rights of Indigenous peoples, Decolonisation, The Civil rights movement in the USA, and Workers’ movements.
  • Historical Skills: Similar to Unit 1, with emphasis on skills relevant to each topic.
  • Learning Outcomes: Understanding key features of the chosen movements, their significance, and methods employed to effect change.

Historical Skills Across Units

  • Chronology, Terms, and Concepts: Identifying links between events to understand causation, change, and continuity over time.
  • Historical Questions and Research: Formulating propositions to investigate historical issues, and framing questions to guide inquiry.
  • Analysis and Use of Sources: Identifying origin, purpose, and context of historical sources and evaluating their reliability and usefulness.
  • Perspectives and Interpretations: Analyzing different perspectives and evaluating different historical interpretations of the past.
  • Explanation and Communication: Developing texts to explain the past and communicate historical understanding, with appropriate referencing techniques.
Year 11 History Tutor

How Tutor Wombat Supports Year 11 Modern History

Personalised Learning Approach

At Tutor Wombat, we appreciate the distinct skills and knowledge each student brings to their study of Year 11 Modern History. Our tutoring sessions are uniquely tailored to support and enhance various learning styles. We craft our tutoring to match the pace and ability of each student, ensuring that every session is both stimulating and informative. Our aim is to create a dynamic and supportive learning environment that not only fosters a deep understanding of historical concepts but also kindles a genuine passion for the subject.

Understanding that a student’s educational path is ever-changing, our one-on-one tutoring in Year 11 Modern History focuses on providing customised support that evolves with the student’s needs. Our tutors are committed to adapting their methods to suit the immediate and developing academic requirements of each student. This individualised, student-centred strategy leads to a more engaging and successful learning experience, propelling students towards their goals in Modern History. By offering personalised guidance, we aim to make the intricate aspects of Modern History more accessible, while nurturing a lasting interest in the subject.

Alignment with the Australian Curriculum

Our Year 11 Modern History tutoring dovetails impeccably with the Australian Curriculum, ensuring a structured and enriching venture through the corridors of modern history. 

Start Your Year 10 History Journey with Tutor Wombat

Embark on a voyage through the modern era with Tutor Wombat. Our dedicated tutors are poised to support your academic odyssey in Year 11 Modern History. With a straightforward flat fee for all services, demystifying the modern world becomes both accessible and enlightening. Contact us to unearth more about how we can support your Year 11 Modern History academic voyage.

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